Apple iOS 16
iOS 16 features
Apple iOS 16 was released on September 13, 2020, and brought several new features and improvements to iOS devices. One of the most notable new additions is support for widgets on the Home screen. iOS 16 also introduces a new App Library feature that makes finding and organizing apps easier. Other improvements include updates to Messages, Maps, and Privacy.

Security Concerns
As with any new iOS release, security concerns always arise. iOS 16 is no different. One of the biggest security concerns with iOS 16 is the new widgets feature. By allowing widgets on the Home screen, iOS 16 enables malicious actors to create widgets that could collect sensitive information from users. Another security concern is the new App Library feature. This feature could be used to easily track which apps are installed on a user’s device. While these security concerns exist, iOS 16 is still a safe and secure operating system.
Advantages of iOS 16 over earlier versions
One of the advantages of iOS 16 is that it includes several security features that were not present in earlier versions of iOS. These security features include a new App Library feature that makes it more difficult for malicious actors to track which apps are installed on a user’s device. iOS 16 also has a new widget feature that allows users to customize their Home screen. This widget feature can be used to collect sensitive information from users. Overall, iOS 16 is a more secure operating system than earlier versions of iOS.
Why was iOS 16.0.1 released immediately?
iOS 16.0.1 was released on September 23, 2020, just ten days after the initial release of iOS 16. The release of iOS 16.0.1 was likely due to the discovery of several security vulnerabilities in iOS 16. These vulnerabilities included a widget feature that could be used to collect sensitive information from users and an App Library feature that could be used to easily track which apps are installed on a user’s device. iOS 16.0.1 fixed these security vulnerabilities and made iOS 16 a more secure operating system. More about software security updates on Apple website.