Generally speaking, digital assets are anything that is created and kept digitally, can be identified and found, and has or offers value. The popularity and value of digital assets have increased as technology has grown more pervasive in both our personal and professional lives. A Digital asset having ownership rights includes data, photos, videos, written content, and more.
Like a company’s brand, most digital products may be given a value, whether monetary or intangible. Some digital things, like a family photo on your phone snapped at a gathering, could only have value to the originator or one person. Others might be useful to a larger audience.
In the past, organizations owned and leveraged digital assets like data or scanned documents to generate value. But when cryptocurrencies and blockchain were introduced in 2009, digital assets were once more redefined. Through tokenization on a blockchain, anything that existed in digital form became something that could be used to generate value.
Understanding Digital Assets
A digital asset must first have the capacity to create value by being used in a way that adds value to the owner to qualify as an asset. The digital asset should then be able to transfer ownership by way of a purchase, a gift, or some other method of granting the rights to someone else, as well as the value the thing can add. Additionally, information needs to be findable or stored where it can be located.
Types of Digital Assets
A Digital asset can also be of a wide variety. Listed below are many of the well-known ones:
Photos, Documents, Videos, Books, Audio/Music, Animations, Illustrations, Manuscripts, Accounts, and emails
Logos, Metadata, Social media accounts with content, accounts for games
Blockchain and related technologies are the foundation of more recent digital assets:
Nontransferable tokens
Bitcoin assets
Symbolized Assets
Tokens of security
Digital currencies used by central banks
Most of our vital paperwork, entertainment, and also images are digital. Businesses and governments keep and store data and information, and each has a different value depending on how it will be used.
The definition of digital asset changed in the 2010s. Blockchain technology and also cryptocurrencies came to the attention of investors, governments, and the general public. Whether they are used as assets or not, individuals assigned value to cryptocurrencies, which led to their inclusion on the list of digital assets.
Digital asset management (DAM) service providers have appeared as a result of digital asset increasing importance. DAMs give companies access to their digital assets while securely storing, managing, and retrieving them.